For the Birds, A Poem for Henk Hart It takes patience to enter into joy. The longer you wait, the more rooted you remain, the intensity of your gaze, only deepens the joy.
Of Prophets, Priests and Poets: Reflections on the Calling of Campus Ministry Reflections on more than 40 years of campus ministry.
WBB Holy Week – Good Friday God-awful week in a God-damned month of captivity, death toll on the rise, anxiety at an all time high.
Prayers in a Pandemic [Diocesan Bishop of Toronto, Andrew Asbil has designated Thursday, March 26 as a Diocesan Day of Prayer for Covid-19.
Dry Bones, the Spirit and Resurrection Without breath, there is no life. Come wind of God from the four directions, and fill us with breath.
WBB online worship: Economic Resistance and Pandemic Capitalism A parable of economic resistance in the face of pandemic capitalism.
WBB Worship During COVID-19: Up a Tree, In a Crowd During the COVID-19 crisis, Wine Before Breakfast will post weekly liturgies for personal use. Today, we hang out with a diseased man in a crowd.
Three Sermons: Or, Repent and believe the Gospel When was the last time you actively considered the Adversary and its demons important—though minor—characters in your spiritual landscape?
The Heresy of Procreative Evangelism It is shocking and heretical to hear an evangelical describe the biological family, indeed the act of procreation, as the primary form of evangelism.
Holy Week, Holy Huddle: A Pastoral Letter We are called, every year, to huddle with the Forsaken One, in the week of his abandonment.
Bound to Betray … again I've never known how to handle betrayal. Especially in the community of faith. Washing the blood stained feet of the betrayer, hasn't been in my tool kit.