Holy Week and Bitter Tears: A Pastoral Letter Hope is going to be a discipline this year. We’re going to have to work a little harder to wrestle hope out of the jaws of despondency and despair.
The Breath of God in the Face of COVID-19 In the face of a pandemic of breath-taking proportions, the breath of God conspires with all of creation for new life.
Repentance, Blizzards and Gardens Sin is misdirected, distorted and deformed desire. And this whole story of the garden is a tale of such sin.
Debunking Rapture, Discerning the Times To be “taken” is a metaphor of judgement. And to “remain” is a metaphor of salvation.
Slaughter of the Holy Innocents … again From the manger to a mass grave, from joy to the world to inconsolable wailing, from proclamations of peace to cold blooded death squads, … in a matter of days.
A Ministry of Heartening in Disheartening Times To be disheartened is an incredible burden to bear. It may sound a tad archaic, but I like the ring of a ministry of heartening.
From Despair to the Peace of Wild Things If you have ears to hear the word proclaimed by all of creation, if you listen closely to the cosmic voice of God, it sounds just like Jesus.
Evangelicals, Temptation and Apostasy A church that could so blindly follow a demagogue like Donald Trump has lost its soul.
The Don Valley Baptist (aka, John of the Don) There was something about this waterside preacher that rang true. I think he was a Baptist.
Magnificat, silence and speech Notice that it is the theologically trained priest, the one who carefully enacts the liturgies, and teaches the story of God’s covenant faithfulness, who forgets.
Magnificat, 9/11 … and things that you can’t say Standing before the arrogant hubris that was the World Trade Center dare one recite, “He has scattered the proud in the imaginations of their hearts”?
God by Our Side: Prayers After the Hurt When the children's cries pierce the night … we see God, here by our side walking our way
Jesus and the Theological Priority of the Marginalized When we read the gospels, the issue isn’t “Christ and Care for the Marginalized,” so much as “Jesus and the Theological Priority of the Marginalized.”
Episcopal Authority and the Mission of the Church Why is it that the main issue around which there is talk about serious disunity is sex? And specifically someone else's sexuality?
The Good News of Romans 1 for Same-Sex Marriage St. Paul's theology of creation at the heart of Romans 1 is good news for same-sex marriage.