The Trouble with the Third Slave A reflection on Matthew 25:14-31 for St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Trail, BC.
Cohen, Democracy and Trump Greed and hate will always still-birth democracy. Greed and hate will always sabotage justice, and leave us shipwrecked.
Love’s Percussive Proclamation I saw the Lord spitting on the altar, spray can in hand, scrawling verse after verse of invective poetry at a people, a nation, of ill-begotten gains...
The Lent of Our Lives I joked at the beginning of the pandemic, which was during the season of Lent, that this time was “the Lent of our lives.” A time to lament, to sit with death. We sense that new life will come, but not how or what it will look like. I didn’t know then how true it would be.
One Day I Walk: Pilgrimage and Finding our Way Home The way home is by walking, attentive to sight, sound and smell, loving the path.
The Geography of Faith There is, I suggest, a geography of faith. Christian faith is neither generic nor homogenous. Faith is always particular to place and time.
WBB online worship: Economic Resistance and Pandemic Capitalism A parable of economic resistance in the face of pandemic capitalism.
Restitution, Welcome and the “Unjust” Manager “Once there was a rich man” was not the beginning of a story of good news.
Slaughter of the Holy Innocents … again From the manger to a mass grave, from joy to the world to inconsolable wailing, from proclamations of peace to cold blooded death squads, … in a matter of days.
Three Sermons: Or, Repent and believe the Gospel When was the last time you actively considered the Adversary and its demons important—though minor—characters in your spiritual landscape?
Nazareth Manifesto – Good News for the Poor? The good news that Jesus was anointed to proclaim was himself, and any good news for today is embodied in you and in me.
Evangelicals, Temptation and Apostasy A church that could so blindly follow a demagogue like Donald Trump has lost its soul.
The Don Valley Baptist (aka, John of the Don) There was something about this waterside preacher that rang true. I think he was a Baptist.
Magnificat, 9/11 … and things that you can’t say Standing before the arrogant hubris that was the World Trade Center dare one recite, “He has scattered the proud in the imaginations of their hearts”?