#4 by James Padilla-DeBorst Join us, comrades in the struggle for the anti-Kingdom the non-State the Party w/out a vanguard the anarchic community of communities.
Darkness Goodness :: Full Text Metaphors matter, and metaphors carry multiple meanings. Think of how Jesus will wash our sins “as white as snow.”
Forgive Our Colour-Coded Limitedness by Jacqueline Daley Part V: Forgive Our Colour-Coded Limitedness God’s creative genius shines brightest in darkness God offers treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places Dark is as light to God as night is as day Bless the lord of light and dark Bless God’s holy name Lord teach us to know and be still in your deep darkness Where God’s light shines brightest Lord forgive our colour-coded limitedness Our narrow mindedness worldliness Our sin-stained humanness Free us from our White privileged blindness Heal our wounded red, yellow, black and white-ness Restore us to your wholeness We long for your holiness
Darkness is Rest & Passion Nest by Jacqueline Daley Part IV: Darkness is Rest & Passion Nest In darkness love ignites, passion soars, lovers unite In darkness we retreat for our deepest best rest In darkness we see our true selves best In darkness all God’s creatures find food for their nest Who can exist without darkness goodness?
Darkness Isn’t Sin Twin by Jacqueline Daley Part III: Darkness Isn’t Sin Twin Who cloned evil in darkness?
Darkness is Freedom Seekers Friend by Jacqueline Daley Part II: Darkness is Freedom Seekers Friend A darkness that could be felt covered Egypt so the Hebrews could flee From bondage the Hebrews were led safely through the Red Sea From deep darkness God’s voice would be From thick darkness God summoned Moses who could not see In thick darkness the covenant was chiselled on stone tablets for free To deep darkness Harriet and all freedom seekers continue to flee Away from bondage to claim their divine destiny Who can deny darkness goodness?
We Began in Darkness by Jacqueline Daley Part I: We Began in Darkness It all began in darkness In the beginning the earth was a formless void Darkness covered the face of the deep In darkness the Creator God dwell Thick canopy darkness surrounded God well Righteousness and justice the foundation for all to tell From formless darkness God’s creative genius held power From dark voidness God’s omnipotent power tower From deep darkness God summon lightness Darkness birth lightness Light for the day; dark for the night Darkness and lightness to dwell together Both equally good to elevate God’s power, none lower God formed man from dirt darkness God formed woman from dark dirt man-ness Together man and woman flaunt God’s wholeness Made and created in God’s image and likeness God’s dark dirt male and female-ness You see in darkness we originate To darkness we will finally immigrate In darkness our seed got planted In the wombs’ darkness we are fearfully, wonderfully crafted Perfectly grafted
Darkness Goodness Metaphors matter, and metaphors carry multiple meanings. Think of how Jesus will wash our sins “as white as snow.”
Jesus Saves by Brian Walsh (a sermon on Romans 10, preached at Wine Before Breakfast, January 29, 2013) That neon light always caught my eye.
Sanctuary, Jason Kenney and Jesus by Brian Walsh I’ve been thinking of writing a mock newspaper article with the title, “Jason Kenney Rejects Jesus.”
Preaching What We Ought by Andrew Stephens-Rennie What does it all mean, this gospel of muck and filth?
The Gospel of Muck and Filth by Andrew Stephens-Rennie I think I’m going to scream. The next time I hear a sermon or a talk about The Prophetic Imagination that drones prosaically on and on about Walter Brueggemann, I’m going to flip.
Hastings and Main by Andrew Stephens-Rennie We bow down …in praise and discomfort …in confusion and agony and joy All the while …the newsman naps …in his truck outside.