Lovers in this Dangerous Time Originally Preached at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Summerland, BC. You know, I can’t think of a better pairing than a wedding and that song we just heard: Steve Bell’s version of Bruce Cockburn’s Lovers in a Dangerous Time.
Nostalgia at the Riverside Originally Preached at Kimberley Shared Ministry. Photo taken at St. Mary’s Lake by Andrew Stephens-Rennie.
Tragedy and Epiphany: It is all About the Children It is all about the children. What do we say before Rachel, weeping for her children?
A “Sort” of Homecoming and the Lost Sons What would it take for the marginal figures, the slaves and hired hands, to be genuinely at home in the household of the generous father?
It all Begins in Joy It all begins in joy and to joy it all returns. Yet in between, a thousand deaths each day.
Because Grace An excerpt of a reflection on John 2:1-11 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie, originally preached at St.
All Things in Christ All of creation now begins to bend back into harmony with God and the vision of a deep and everlasting and generous and fruitful peace becomes something that you can just start to catch a glimpse of.
Life Chooses Life A reflection on Luke 3:15-22 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie. Originally preached at St Brigids Vancouver.
Jesus and the Festival of Hope A reflection on Matthew 17:1-9 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie at Christ Church Cathedral’s St.
Is New Life Possible? Jesus makes new life possible. Not life driven by fear, but abundant life grounded in the assurance that we are beloved children of God. Each and every one of us. Even on those days we're told we're not. And especially on those days we can't believe it's true.
Sanctuary, Jason Kenney and Jesus by Brian Walsh I’ve been thinking of writing a mock newspaper article with the title, “Jason Kenney Rejects Jesus.”