For Days are Surely Coming Days are surely coming. Without that hope, how could we survive the days that are here?
Gender, Weeping and Hope What begins in gendered weeping finds its resolution in gender reversals. What begins in uncontrolled wailing gives birth to hope for a radical new way.
Dancing to the End of Love … at Auschwitz A dance of the displaced, a dance of the diaspora, exiled within exile.
In Name Alone Not wishing to impose Divine will upon them, God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity. A Christian nation in name alone.
Bound to Betray Betrayal unravels the very fabric of creation. The grief of God resonates with the grief of all creation.
Jeremiah’s Call and Desperate Times Without prophetic critique, hope before breakfast will be little more than cheap optimism at best, and a pious cover-up at worst.
From Transfixed to Hope: Hope Before Breakfast We may be sleepy, but we will not be numb. Hope and history may not rhyme, but we gather nonetheless with a radical and stubborn hope, even before breakfast!
Reclaiming Jesus Respected elders in the United States, our mothers and fathers in the faith, reclaim Jesus in the face of the heresies of American empire.
Dangerous Angels: Bruce Cockburn’s Prophetic Pilgrimage If you wrestle with angels, you'll always end up with a limp.
Holy Week and the March for our Lives For these kids it is already Holy Saturday. The crucifixion has already happened and their friends are in the ground. But they did not run away. They marched on Washington.
Character and the Crisis of Home Character and the crisis of home. Or perhaps we could say, spiritual bankruptcy and the deformation of character. Or maybe, moral ecology and the collapse of home.