Tale of Two Feasts Much depends on who eats and who doesn’t, on who is invited to dinner, on who is the host, and on where you eat.
Remembering, Forgetting and the “F” Bomb Any alternative narrative, any liberating vision, has to engage in an imaginative act of forgetting … and remembering.
The Gospel in Dangerous Times A battle of stories, a conflict of myths. Everything hangs on the outcome. This is a matter of life and death. So which side are you on?
Easter! Too Good to be True? What if the story that scripture tells isn’t a fairy tale… what if instead, all fairy tales are resonating with and hinting at this singular real story that shapes our history? What if we’re created to long for these stories, to recognize them as familiar?
Hold Fast to the Head Hold fast to the head, and let your ethics flow from that. Stay immersed in the covenant story and your actions will be shaped by it. Don’t need no baggage, don’t need no ticket, just get on board.
Kingdom Fruitfulness: A New Targum This is the word of truth, in a time of such ubiquitous deceit. This is the word of truth, that speaks power and life in the face of repression and death.
God on the Loose Memory can trap us. Many of us have memories linked to shame, inadequacy, and pain, like Israel’s memory of their broken covenants and spiritual infidelity, and these can paralyze us in bitterness, self-pity, and self-doubt.
Advent and the King without Bling Kings with bling love extravagant and vulgar display. Especially at parties for their rich and powerful friends. The servant king likes parties too. But his parties are for everyone. And the meal begins very simply with a loaf of bread and a jug of wine.
Celtic Soul at the End of a Very Bad Week What we have seen in the last week, and what Isaiah saw in the ruins of Israel is the failure of imagination, the inability to imagine life radically different from the status quo.
The God whose name isn’t God This God, He reserves the right to define himself on his own terms. This God, She moves in mysterious ways. This God will not fit into a gendered box, or any other box for that manner. This God shatters any boxes we try to put around them.
Time to Run So let’s run, friends. Let’s keep our ears open for the cloud of witnesses. And what’s even more important, Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfector of our faith, he’s out in front and also bringing up the rear, Christ before us, Christ behind us.
The “Pulse” of Habakkuk Woe to you who heap up what is not your own. Woe to you who heap up the bodies of LGBTQ folks, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, lovers and friends.
Pastoral Letter for Holy Week: Prayers, Tears, Funerals and Feasts Sisters and brothers: Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you hoped they would.
Jesus and the Economics of Empire Economic injustice and violence. An economics of inequity and murder. They will always, always, always go together. The rich get richer … and the poor? … they get deader.