Bound to Betray … again I've never known how to handle betrayal. Especially in the community of faith. Washing the blood stained feet of the betrayer, hasn't been in my tool kit.
Immoderate Love Love is excessive, extravagant, over-the-top, immoderate, and it always, always, always hurts
Persis Hears Colossians While we are all fighting against misogyny, child abuse and economic exploitation, how do we hear a text in which wives, children and slaves are all called to obedience?
All Things in Christ All of creation now begins to bend back into harmony with God and the vision of a deep and everlasting and generous and fruitful peace becomes something that you can just start to catch a glimpse of.
Keeping Faith What is it that shakes your faith to its very core? What kind of thing can render you faithless? What could strip you of your faith?
Prayers for a New Year Faithful God, it is January. Frozen, yet still the soil teems with life: life that is, and life that is to come.
Advent: Hope, Land, and Wine Hope is impossible without a deep sense of being landed. And hope is impossible if you never get dirt under your fingernails.
Hope in my Wallet But hope is not born of the erasure of the past. Hope requires the redemption of the past, and the reclaiming of its promise.
Jeremiah’s Call and Desperate Times Without prophetic critique, hope before breakfast will be little more than cheap optimism at best, and a pious cover-up at worst.
From Transfixed to Hope: Hope Before Breakfast We may be sleepy, but we will not be numb. Hope and history may not rhyme, but we gather nonetheless with a radical and stubborn hope, even before breakfast!
Advent on the way to the Cross The times are too desperate for “Away in the Manger.” The situation is too dangerous for “Silent Night.”