Monday of Holy Week – Jesus Weeps Tears are God’s default. Judgement is never found outside of the embrace of grief in the heart of God.
WBB Holy Week: Palm Sunday Before this week is out, a stone will engage in a radical act of civil disobedience.
Holy Week and Bitter Tears: A Pastoral Letter Hope is going to be a discipline this year. We’re going to have to work a little harder to wrestle hope out of the jaws of despondency and despair.
WBB On-line Worship: Foreboding and Hope Foreboding is anticipatory grief. It is real. It mustn’t be numbed out.
WBB online worship: Economic Resistance and Pandemic Capitalism A parable of economic resistance in the face of pandemic capitalism.
Debunking Rapture, Discerning the Times To be “taken” is a metaphor of judgement. And to “remain” is a metaphor of salvation.
Restitution, Welcome and the “Unjust” Manager “Once there was a rich man” was not the beginning of a story of good news.
A “Sort” of Homecoming and the Lost Sons What would it take for the marginal figures, the slaves and hired hands, to be genuinely at home in the household of the generous father?
A Ministry of Heartening in Disheartening Times To be disheartened is an incredible burden to bear. It may sound a tad archaic, but I like the ring of a ministry of heartening.
Three Sermons: Or, Repent and believe the Gospel When was the last time you actively considered the Adversary and its demons important—though minor—characters in your spiritual landscape?
Nazareth Manifesto – Good News for the Poor? The good news that Jesus was anointed to proclaim was himself, and any good news for today is embodied in you and in me.
Into the Wilderness, Beyond the Empire It’s long been true that in the wilderness we find out who we truly are. And wilderness is always a threat to empire.
The Don Valley Baptist (aka, John of the Don) There was something about this waterside preacher that rang true. I think he was a Baptist.
Magnificat, silence and speech Notice that it is the theologically trained priest, the one who carefully enacts the liturgies, and teaches the story of God’s covenant faithfulness, who forgets.
God by Our Side: Prayers After the Hurt When the children's cries pierce the night … we see God, here by our side walking our way