Gender, Weeping and Hope What begins in gendered weeping finds its resolution in gender reversals. What begins in uncontrolled wailing gives birth to hope for a radical new way.
Reclaiming Jesus Respected elders in the United States, our mothers and fathers in the faith, reclaim Jesus in the face of the heresies of American empire.
Angel’s Envy, Psalm 41 and Adam Wood Angel's Envy. Who knows, maybe the angels envy my friend Adam Wood. Not even the angels meet that kind of integrity everyday.
Resurrecting Religion: A Review Like James before him, Greg Paul wants to resurrect religion, give it a new body, allow it to be what it is called to be, coming to life again, with all of its scars open to view.
Imagining Healed Daughters It's tough to be a woman. But, the reason why I find the Jesus-story we share in this room so compelling is how radically different he was in the world. Every small step towards healing requires someone releasing power. Jesus is willing to give up power in this exchange.
Happy Are They Who Trust in Her Happy are they who trust in Her, for it is her powerful womb in which we live and move and have our being.
Weeping, Confession, Resistance Without weeping we’ll never get to confession, and without confession we’ll never build an effective resistance.
The Kingdom of God is an Invasive Species The kingdom of God is plucky. It will not be rooted out. It will provide sustenance and home for those you’ve ignored, and those you've pushed to the side.
Beyond Smugness: The Beatitudes Again If we can be smug about this radical teaching of Jesus, then we demonstrate in our very smugness that we don’t get it.
Pentecost and the Blasphemy of “America First” “America First” means creation last. “America First” means God last. “America First” means the Spirit last. "America First" is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Worship, Doubt and Ascension Worship without doubt is the posture of idolatry, the faith of an ideology. True worship not only welcomes doubt, it requires doubt.
By the Rivers of our Fundamentalist Captivity By the rivers of our fundamentalist captivity we sat down and wept, and wept. And when we could weep no more, tears dried in the sun, we leapt. Preaching the poetry of protest, snarling songs of salvation.