Lovers in this Dangerous Time Originally Preached at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Summerland, BC. You know, I can’t think of a better pairing than a wedding and that song we just heard: Steve Bell’s version of Bruce Cockburn’s Lovers in a Dangerous Time.
Jesus and the Theological Priority of the Marginalized When we read the gospels, the issue isn’t “Christ and Care for the Marginalized,” so much as “Jesus and the Theological Priority of the Marginalized.”
The Mysterious Authority of the Bible: A response to David Ney Jesus did not say “Get married, procreate and make disciples of your children,” but rather, “Go and make disciples of all peoples …“
Episcopal Authority and the Mission of the Church Why is it that the main issue around which there is talk about serious disunity is sex? And specifically someone else's sexuality?
The Good News of Romans 1 for Same-Sex Marriage St. Paul's theology of creation at the heart of Romans 1 is good news for same-sex marriage.
Unity and A Crucified Messiah: A Response to “Testing the Spirits.” If we are united in cruciform love, the love that Jesus demonstrated, then we are called to work for justice.
What ever happened to the Bible in the Marriage Canon Debate? A Look at the Classic Texts It is startling how the biblical text is increasingly absent in conservative opposition to same-sex marriage. This is a back to the Bible study.
The Heresy of Procreative Evangelism It is shocking and heretical to hear an evangelical describe the biological family, indeed the act of procreation, as the primary form of evangelism.
Because Grace An excerpt of a reflection on John 2:1-11 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie, originally preached at St.
What is Love? Rehearing 1 Corinthians 13 Love tends to no balance sheets of good and bad behaviour. Love holds on to what needs to be held; lets go of what needs to released.
Breaking Down the Man Box by Andrew Stephens-Rennie For whatever reason, Mark Driscoll and his crew are planning to invade Canada, sometime in October.
(Dis)functionally Complementarian by Andrew Stephens-Rennie In light of John Piper’s most recent bout of asinine, vitriolic insanity, I’m considering exclusively subjecting myself to the authority of women for the next year.