WBB Holy Week – Good Friday God-awful week in a God-damned month of captivity, death toll on the rise, anxiety at an all time high.
Wednesday of Holy Week – The Dispute at the Table Maybe it is a good thing that we are on a Eucharistic fast.
Tuesday of Holy Week – Jesus sets the table This is not the language of victory, this is language of death.
Monday of Holy Week – Jesus Weeps Tears are God’s default. Judgement is never found outside of the embrace of grief in the heart of God.
WBB Holy Week: Palm Sunday Before this week is out, a stone will engage in a radical act of civil disobedience.
Holy Week and Bitter Tears: A Pastoral Letter Hope is going to be a discipline this year. We’re going to have to work a little harder to wrestle hope out of the jaws of despondency and despair.
WBB On-line Worship: Foreboding and Hope Foreboding is anticipatory grief. It is real. It mustn’t be numbed out.
The Breath of God in the Face of COVID-19 In the face of a pandemic of breath-taking proportions, the breath of God conspires with all of creation for new life.
WBB online worship: Economic Resistance and Pandemic Capitalism A parable of economic resistance in the face of pandemic capitalism.
Repentance, Blizzards and Gardens Sin is misdirected, distorted and deformed desire. And this whole story of the garden is a tale of such sin.
A “Sort” of Homecoming and the Lost Sons What would it take for the marginal figures, the slaves and hired hands, to be genuinely at home in the household of the generous father?
It all Begins in Joy It all begins in joy and to joy it all returns. Yet in between, a thousand deaths each day.
Slaughter of the Holy Innocents … again From the manger to a mass grave, from joy to the world to inconsolable wailing, from proclamations of peace to cold blooded death squads, … in a matter of days.
What are we waiting for? In the new Jerusalem there shall be no more homophobia, no more transphobic, no more sexism, no more racism, no more ablism, no more classism.