Love’s Percussive Proclamation I saw the Lord spitting on the altar, spray can in hand, scrawling verse after verse of invective poetry at a people, a nation, of ill-begotten gains...
The Lent of Our Lives I joked at the beginning of the pandemic, which was during the season of Lent, that this time was “the Lent of our lives.” A time to lament, to sit with death. We sense that new life will come, but not how or what it will look like. I didn’t know then how true it would be.
One Day I Walk: Pilgrimage and Finding our Way Home The way home is by walking, attentive to sight, sound and smell, loving the path.
The Geography of Faith There is, I suggest, a geography of faith. Christian faith is neither generic nor homogenous. Faith is always particular to place and time.
Anger, Tears and Resurrection Anger, tears and resurrection. That’s what it is all about. Anything less is a cover up, and cheapens death in its sentimentality.
On our Way … to New Beginnings For most of us, Wine Before Breakfast was a coming home. But this was always “a sort of homecoming,” a homecoming on the way, never a settled and comfortable spirituality.
Pacing the Cage and Good Endings Rather than denying the darkness, or averting our gaze from the dark, we have embraced sorrow through lament, while we adjust our vision to see in the dark.
Of Prophets, Priests and Poets: Reflections on the Calling of Campus Ministry Reflections on more than 40 years of campus ministry.
Before whiteness, there was breath A reflection on John 20:19-23 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie When he had said this, Jesus breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.
Six Feet I watched them digging a grave for me it was more than a metaphor that spacious interior six feet below grade.
Creation Dreams and Ecological Nightmares … again Earth Day 2020 and biblical contrasts. Dreams and nightmares, ecocide and new creation.
WBB On-line Worship: Easter Tuesday, No Cheap Hope How do we embrace the revolution of Easter without domesticating it into platitudes and cheap hope?