Tackling the Housing Crisis Together (Pt 2) The theology and biblical vision of housing: why, what, and so what?
Tackling the Housing Crisis Together (Pt 1) Preparatory to our symposium "Beyond Housing to Homefulness," Brian Walsh and Michael Shapcott talk housing and homelessness with Bishop Graham Tomlin in seven segments.
For the Birds, A Poem for Henk Hart It takes patience to enter into joy. The longer you wait, the more rooted you remain, the intensity of your gaze, only deepens the joy.
Remembering La Loche, Adam Wood, five years later Hope can be heard whispering through our sorrow, choked out as we groan in travail with all of creation.
Exaggeration Incarnate: Advent Joy Advent joy is the joy of the future reaching back to touch the present.
Advent gloom, Advent hope Wherever Jesus went there would be no gloom for those in anguish because the light of the kingdom gave them hope.
A Prayer, A Dream, A Sacred Space This has been a place of profound meeting. A moment of knowing and being known. A place of memory making, storytelling, rooted in the deepest and widest story of all. A sacred space.
The Trouble with the Third Slave A reflection on Matthew 25:14-31 for St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Trail, BC.
Cohen, Democracy and Trump Greed and hate will always still-birth democracy. Greed and hate will always sabotage justice, and leave us shipwrecked.
Love’s Percussive Proclamation I saw the Lord spitting on the altar, spray can in hand, scrawling verse after verse of invective poetry at a people, a nation, of ill-begotten gains...
The Lent of Our Lives I joked at the beginning of the pandemic, which was during the season of Lent, that this time was “the Lent of our lives.” A time to lament, to sit with death. We sense that new life will come, but not how or what it will look like. I didn’t know then how true it would be.
One Day I Walk: Pilgrimage and Finding our Way Home The way home is by walking, attentive to sight, sound and smell, loving the path.
The Geography of Faith There is, I suggest, a geography of faith. Christian faith is neither generic nor homogenous. Faith is always particular to place and time.
Anger, Tears and Resurrection Anger, tears and resurrection. That’s what it is all about. Anything less is a cover up, and cheapens death in its sentimentality.
On our Way … to New Beginnings For most of us, Wine Before Breakfast was a coming home. But this was always “a sort of homecoming,” a homecoming on the way, never a settled and comfortable spirituality.