Persis Hears Colossians While we are all fighting against misogyny, child abuse and economic exploitation, how do we hear a text in which wives, children and slaves are all called to obedience?
Because Grace An excerpt of a reflection on John 2:1-11 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie, originally preached at St.
All Things in Christ All of creation now begins to bend back into harmony with God and the vision of a deep and everlasting and generous and fruitful peace becomes something that you can just start to catch a glimpse of.
Life Chooses Life A reflection on Luke 3:15-22 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie. Originally preached at St Brigids Vancouver.
Keeping Faith What is it that shakes your faith to its very core? What kind of thing can render you faithless? What could strip you of your faith?
Prayers for a New Year Faithful God, it is January. Frozen, yet still the soil teems with life: life that is, and life that is to come.
Away from the Manger: The Refugee King Away from the manger they ran for their lives The crying boy Jesus, a son they must hide A dream came to Joseph, they fled in the night And they ran and they ran and they ran
Advent: Hope, Land, and Wine Hope is impossible without a deep sense of being landed. And hope is impossible if you never get dirt under your fingernails.
Advent in the Midst of Collapse To enter into Advent is to read the signs of the times to discern what is happening, and where we are going, through the eyes of Jesus.
Shepherds and Advent The day we get into sheep at Russet House Farm is the day that we will need to significantly up our animal husbandry skills.
Steve Bell’s Pilgrim Year: A Story Reharrowed This is a spirituality for the weary and wary, not the smug and self-secure. This is a spirituality with bruises and dirty fingernails, not easy contentment.
Heartbreaking Hope and Courage I became Toronto’s embittered lover. In many ways I still am. I have been so faithful to this city, but it hasn’t been faithful back.