The Heresy of Procreative Evangelism It is shocking and heretical to hear an evangelical describe the biological family, indeed the act of procreation, as the primary form of evangelism.
From Jerusalem to Vancouver: The Pharisees Strike Back That Bishop Royal’s argument resonates so well with the conservative and pharisaic voices at the Jerusalem Council should give us pause.
Death’s Sting and Defiant Alleluias Without the pain of death’s sting, the celebration of resurrection is little more than cultural sentimentality.
Holy Week, Holy Huddle: A Pastoral Letter We are called, every year, to huddle with the Forsaken One, in the week of his abandonment.
Bound to Betray … again I've never known how to handle betrayal. Especially in the community of faith. Washing the blood stained feet of the betrayer, hasn't been in my tool kit.
Immoderate Love Love is excessive, extravagant, over-the-top, immoderate, and it always, always, always hurts
Keeping Faith What is it that shakes your faith to its very core? What kind of thing can render you faithless? What could strip you of your faith?
Advent: Hope, Land, and Wine Hope is impossible without a deep sense of being landed. And hope is impossible if you never get dirt under your fingernails.
Advent in the Midst of Collapse To enter into Advent is to read the signs of the times to discern what is happening, and where we are going, through the eyes of Jesus.
Shepherds and Advent The day we get into sheep at Russet House Farm is the day that we will need to significantly up our animal husbandry skills.
Steve Bell’s Pilgrim Year: A Story Reharrowed This is a spirituality for the weary and wary, not the smug and self-secure. This is a spirituality with bruises and dirty fingernails, not easy contentment.