Exaggeration Incarnate: Advent Joy Advent joy is the joy of the future reaching back to touch the present.
Advent gloom, Advent hope Wherever Jesus went there would be no gloom for those in anguish because the light of the kingdom gave them hope.
What are we waiting for? In the new Jerusalem there shall be no more homophobia, no more transphobic, no more sexism, no more racism, no more ablism, no more classism.
Away from the Manger: The Refugee King Away from the manger they ran for their lives The crying boy Jesus, a son they must hide A dream came to Joseph, they fled in the night And they ran and they ran and they ran
Advent: Hope, Land, and Wine Hope is impossible without a deep sense of being landed. And hope is impossible if you never get dirt under your fingernails.
Advent in the Midst of Collapse To enter into Advent is to read the signs of the times to discern what is happening, and where we are going, through the eyes of Jesus.
Shepherds and Advent The day we get into sheep at Russet House Farm is the day that we will need to significantly up our animal husbandry skills.
Advent on the way to the Cross The times are too desperate for “Away in the Manger.” The situation is too dangerous for “Silent Night.”
Advent and the King without Bling Kings with bling love extravagant and vulgar display. Especially at parties for their rich and powerful friends. The servant king likes parties too. But his parties are for everyone. And the meal begins very simply with a loaf of bread and a jug of wine.
Refugees in their own backyard A refugee in his own backyard. That’s what Joseph was. Bethlehem became a refugee camp. But these were refugees in their own backyard.
Psalm 98: Joy, Judgment and Advent Psalm 98 is an invitation to a victory party … against the evidence, in the face of the empire.
Advent, Psalm 145 and a “Fantastic” Vision “There is a time and place in the ceaseless human endeavor to change the world, when alternative visions, no matter how fantastic, provide the grist for shaping powerful political forces for change.
Jesus, Obama and de Certeau: Redemptive Tactics in the Security State Some opening thoughts on John 7. 1-36. It’s a good thing that the whole Jesus thing didn’t happen in the 21st century.