Repenting of Heaven Reflections on J. Richard Middleton’s A New Heaven and a New Earth (Baker Academic, 2014) Presented at the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association, May 31 in Ottawa “This changes everything.”
The Spirit, ‘Spontaneity’ and Justice I guess I'm just tired of the Holy Spirit being used as a psycho-spiritual drug dealer justifying spiritual narcissism.
Being Church What if it's up to more than our marketing campaigns, facebook ad buys, and edgy new ways of being church? What if it's been up to the Spirit all along?
Look Death in the Eye It’s not easy to look death in the eye, no matter what we’re promised on the other side.
Ched Myers: 60 years old and still ahead of the game “But you just can’t do that!” That was the refrain from the same student over and over again.
Psalm 98: Joy, Judgment and Advent Psalm 98 is an invitation to a victory party … against the evidence, in the face of the empire.
Advent, Psalm 145 and a “Fantastic” Vision “There is a time and place in the ceaseless human endeavor to change the world, when alternative visions, no matter how fantastic, provide the grist for shaping powerful political forces for change.
Psalm 2: Which Son Shall We Kiss? You can't make the ideological rhetoric of Psalm 2 palatable simply by painting it with Jesus. At least, not unless you turn it on its head. Which is exactly what happens.
Prayer Litany: Psalm 2 through the lens of Jesus What happens when you pray Psalm 2 through the lens of Jesus?
Adnan Syed and the Parable of the Talents A reflection on Matthew 25:14-30 originally preached at St. Brigids Vancouver, an emerging Christian community rooted in the Anglican tradition.
Parental Advisory: Idols are F**ked up When you don’t give a flying f**k about the people in misery, when you are happy to rape their land, wipe out whole towns of peasants, allow education and health care to become almost non-existent, and in the process leave the nation with insupportable debt for generations to come, then it sure looks like some sort of idolatry is afoot. Only idolatry can explain this sacrifice of people, land and the future. Idols require sacrifice, and they have an insatiable appetite for children.
Terror No More: Psalm 9/10 and a terrible week in Canada God’s judgement cuts through the deceit and names evil violence for what it is, whether on Parliament Hill in the hands of a man bent on murder, or on Parliament Hill in legislation that excludes the refugee, despoils the earth, and favours the rich.
Clash of Empires This is a story about empires colliding – the Roman Empire colliding with the upstart anti-empire that Jesus referred to ironically as “the Kingdom of God.”