Beyond Egalitarian by Andrew Stephens-Rennie In my last post, responding to John Piper’s dehumanizing view of women, I mused about the benefits of subjecting myself to the authority of women for the next year.
(Dis)functionally Complementarian by Andrew Stephens-Rennie In light of John Piper’s most recent bout of asinine, vitriolic insanity, I’m considering exclusively subjecting myself to the authority of women for the next year.
Anti-Terrorism: Let’s get serious! Let’s talk about two bills that have been before the Parliament of Canada.
The Time Was Ripe: Bruce Springsteen, Hope and Jesus On Sunday, April 21, the Wine Before Breakfast band led a service celebrating the music of Bruce Springsteen at the Church of the Redeemer in Toronto.
A Truly Remarkable Gift I think what brought it all home for me, wrestling with questions of faith an spiritual gifts, these past days, was a conversation with a friend.
More Faith Required To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
Concerning Spiritual Gifts by Andrew Stephens-Rennie Concerning spiritual gifts, I do not want us to be uninformed.
Idolatry & the Crisis of Being My previous post, A Lifetime of Habits, arose out of an initial reflection on Peter Enns’ blog post about some recent statements by American pastor Timothy Keller.
A Lifetime of Habits by Andrew Stephens-Rennie A lot of attention has been paid, in recent days, to Tim Keller’s words to a group of journalists about his views on gay marriage and homosexuality.
A Pastoral Letter for Holy Week, 2013 by Brian Walsh The story was going a certain way. Sure, there were some detours along the way and things didn’t always go totally as expected, but the overall plot remained clear.
On Not Judging by Michael Walker (a sermon on Romans 14 preached at Wine Before Breakfast, March 12, 2013) In Romans 13, we hear Paul exhorting his congregants to “live in the day,” and to “put on the armour of light.”
#4 by James Padilla-DeBorst Join us, comrades in the struggle for the anti-Kingdom the non-State the Party w/out a vanguard the anarchic community of communities.
Darkness Goodness :: Full Text Metaphors matter, and metaphors carry multiple meanings. Think of how Jesus will wash our sins “as white as snow.”
Forgive Our Colour-Coded Limitedness by Jacqueline Daley Part V: Forgive Our Colour-Coded Limitedness God’s creative genius shines brightest in darkness God offers treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places Dark is as light to God as night is as day Bless the lord of light and dark Bless God’s holy name Lord teach us to know and be still in your deep darkness Where God’s light shines brightest Lord forgive our colour-coded limitedness Our narrow mindedness worldliness Our sin-stained humanness Free us from our White privileged blindness Heal our wounded red, yellow, black and white-ness Restore us to your wholeness We long for your holiness