By the Rivers of our Fundamentalist Captivity By the rivers of our fundamentalist captivity we sat down and wept, and wept. And when we could weep no more, tears dried in the sun, we leapt. Preaching the poetry of protest, snarling songs of salvation.
Hold Fast to the Head Hold fast to the head, and let your ethics flow from that. Stay immersed in the covenant story and your actions will be shaped by it. Don’t need no baggage, don’t need no ticket, just get on board.
Kingdom Fruitfulness: A New Targum This is the word of truth, in a time of such ubiquitous deceit. This is the word of truth, that speaks power and life in the face of repression and death.
Jesus and the Festival of Hope A reflection on Matthew 17:1-9 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie at Christ Church Cathedral’s St.
Romans 12&13 Remixed: A Post-Inauguration Targum Time is up for the oppressive laws of the state, so obey the law of love. Time is up for the empire, so live in the Kingdom.
Dance Us Through the Panic This week, St. Leonard of Montreal leaves us to Isaiah, the prophet of old, to dance us through the panic till we’re gathered safely in.
Come to the Table :: A Reflection A reflection on Luke 24:13-35 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie for Come to the Table :: An Evening of Story, Stillness, and Song.
Hanging on For Dear Life We find Jesus on the side of the road, I can only imagine stunned, at the sight of the wide-eyed rich man hanging on to the tree for dear life
Hidden Wholeness by Andrew Stephens-Rennie There’s this nagging feeling that has risen up lately after many of my recent posts, and it goes something like this: Why are you spending so much time focusing on individual healing?
Promise, Reality and Crying Out There is something about groaning and crying out that is at the very heart of covenantal life. Somehow, the Spirit is deeply active in such groaning...
Jesus and the Economics of Empire Economic injustice and violence. An economics of inequity and murder. They will always, always, always go together. The rich get richer … and the poor? … they get deader.
Jesus, Authority and Healing: A Post Election Sermon This morning marks the start of the reign of “Mr. Anyone But Harper,” a new white man who now holds majority power.
Nazareth to Ottawa: Election Eve Reflections Good news to the poor. Release to captives. Recovery of sight to the blind.
There’s More Healing to Be Done Jesus stops, disrupting the flow of blood from the one whose hemorrhages had not ceased to flow for 12 long years. Twelve years of suffering healed in an instant. And yet, there’s more healing to be done.
Repenting of Heaven Reflections on J. Richard Middleton’s A New Heaven and a New Earth (Baker Academic, 2014) Presented at the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association, May 31 in Ottawa “This changes everything.”