Kingdom Fruitfulness: A New Targum This is the word of truth, in a time of such ubiquitous deceit. This is the word of truth, that speaks power and life in the face of repression and death.
We Had Hoped :: An Easter Reflection I want to have an answer for the hope that is within me. I want to live in greater hope. But I'm stuck with Cleopas and his companion on the road.
Look Death in the Eye It’s not easy to look death in the eye, no matter what we’re promised on the other side.
Stubborn When Jesus remixes Isaiah's song of the vineyard, what Bartimeaus sees is stubbornness meet stubbornness.
What do you want me to do for you? (A meditation on Mark 10.32-52 presented at Wine Before Breakfast on February 24, 2015) The Zebedee boys and Bartimaeus.
From Empire to Cross (The Wine Before Breakfast community is journeying to the cross this Lent with Mark as our guide on the way.
Orange is the New Purple Last week twenty one men were marched out to the shores of Libya. They were called “people of the cross.” They wore orange jump suits.
The First Word On the banks of the river, I had this sense that a new plotline was emerging. Jesus of Nazareth would be the first word in the story of what might be.
Ash Wednesday: Beginning the Lenten Pilgrimage with Steve Bell Today we begin a Lenten journey. We know that this is a wilderness journey, and we know that it is going to a cross.
Steve Bell’s “Pilgrimage” Boxset: A Review This is no normal run-of-the mill boxset. This is no cheap marketing ploy to get folks to buy again songs they already have. Rather, we have here a beautifully creative celebration and a reflection of twenty-five years of music making.
Lazarus, Ani and Jesus On April 6, 2014, the Wine Before Breakfast community teamed up with our friends at the Church of the Redeemer in Toronto for a service that brought the artistry of Ani DiFranco into dialogue with the story of the raising of Lazarus, with Psalm 130 in the background.
She Knew What it Cost She invites us to count the cost. She invites us to pour out an extravagant gift. She invites us to remain in this love. She invites us to stay.
Remaining in Lent Are you in or out? Remaining, leaving, already gone, or struggling on the threshold?