WBB On-line Worship: Easter Tuesday, No Cheap Hope How do we embrace the revolution of Easter without domesticating it into platitudes and cheap hope?
Death’s Sting and Defiant Alleluias Without the pain of death’s sting, the celebration of resurrection is little more than cultural sentimentality.
By the Rivers of our Fundamentalist Captivity By the rivers of our fundamentalist captivity we sat down and wept, and wept. And when we could weep no more, tears dried in the sun, we leapt. Preaching the poetry of protest, snarling songs of salvation.
Easter! Too Good to be True? What if the story that scripture tells isn’t a fairy tale… what if instead, all fairy tales are resonating with and hinting at this singular real story that shapes our history? What if we’re created to long for these stories, to recognize them as familiar?
Come to the Table :: A Reflection A reflection on Luke 24:13-35 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie for Come to the Table :: An Evening of Story, Stillness, and Song.
We Had Hoped :: An Easter Reflection I want to have an answer for the hope that is within me. I want to live in greater hope. But I'm stuck with Cleopas and his companion on the road.
Thomas, Doubt and Practicing Resurrection [An Easter sermon on John 20.19-31 preached at Wine Before Breakfast on April 22, 2014.
Betrayal and Resurrection by Sylvia Keesmaat (A Sermon Preached at the Easter Vigil, March 30, 2013, at Christchurch, Coboconk on Genesis 1.1-2.4a; Genesis 3; Exodus 14.10-31, 15.20-21; Ezekiel 36.24-28; Romans 6.3-11; Luke 24.1-12.
Easter Reflection by Andrew Stephens-Rennie a reflection on Isaiah 25:6-9 It’s a feast today – and oh what a feast it will be.