Pastoral Letter: Holy Week 2014 This is my pastoral letter to the Wine Before Breakfast community calling us to keep Holy Week.
Lazarus, Ani and Jesus On April 6, 2014, the Wine Before Breakfast community teamed up with our friends at the Church of the Redeemer in Toronto for a service that brought the artistry of Ani DiFranco into dialogue with the story of the raising of Lazarus, with Psalm 130 in the background.
She Knew What it Cost She invites us to count the cost. She invites us to pour out an extravagant gift. She invites us to remain in this love. She invites us to stay.
Remaining in Lent Are you in or out? Remaining, leaving, already gone, or struggling on the threshold?
Creation, Fall and the Two Kingdoms [On the weekend of February 21 and 22, Sylvia Keesmaat and I had the great honour of participating in the TrueCity Conference in Hamilton: “A Tale of Two Kingdoms”.
Mandela, Calvinism and Derrida As I’ve been reflecting on the death of Nelson Mandela, two thoughts keep crowding my mind.
Jesus, Obama and de Certeau: Redemptive Tactics in the Security State Some opening thoughts on John 7. 1-36. It’s a good thing that the whole Jesus thing didn’t happen in the 21st century.
Joni and Jesus: Poets of Endings On Sunday, November 17, the Wine Before Breakfast community joined our friends at the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, for a service featuring the music of Joni Mitchell.
God Bless Toronto: The Piety of Rob Ford “God bless the people of Toronto.” So ended Mayor Rob Ford’s apology before the press assembled outside his office this afternoon.
Poverty, Justice and the Fruit of the Spirit A meditation on Galatians 5.22-25 shared with the Wine Before Breakfast community on August 20, 2013.
It’s Jubilee Time! (Sometimes you have to go back to basics. For Jesus that was Isaiah 61 and for us at Empire Remixed and Wine Before Breakfast it might look like Luke 4.16-30.