Whose Inauguration? Which Kingdom? What would happen if Jesus's inaugural sermon happened on Martin Luther King Day at the Inauguration of Donald Trump?
Tragedy and Epiphany: It is all About the Children It is all about the children. What do we say before Rachel, weeping for her children?
Springsteen, the Night After Springsteen offers no cheap hope, because “broken hearts are the price you’ve gotta pay.”
Spiritual Renewal and Praying with St. John In a world of chaos and confusion, you are the Word. While it feels that we are at an ending, you are the beginning.
A Targum On Not Forgetting Who You Are The day after … you know where you are, you know who you are, so clothe yourselves in Christ
“Make a way” … for sorrow and hope This album will catch your tears even as it catches your breath. It will give voice to your lament, hold you in its beauty, and gently, ever so gently, make a way in and through the sorrow.
Steve Bell’s “The Glad Surprise” lives up to its name. Bell reaches out and grabs the heart, the imagination, the despair, the hope, the longing, the pathos and the eros of the soul … and that is all in the first song!
Love, Grief and Mountains: A Season of Creation Sermon Sometimes God bypasses humanity and speaks directly to creation.
Philanthropic Bribery and Corruption in High Places Forgive me if I am just a tad cynical when a publisher comes to the defence of his largest single source of advertizing revenue.
Wisdom for our Time: A review of Bruce Cockburn’s O Sun O Moon Wisdom doesn't always come with age. But it does with Bruce Cockburn.
Pacing the Cage with J. Richard Middleton Celebrating Richard Middleton's retirement. Pacing the cage with resonance and dissonance
From Displacement to Domicide: A Lenten Theme? In a culture of domicide, what happens if we inhabit the Scriptures, finding a path home in the story they tell, that moves from homemaking to domicide to homecoming?
Launching Beyond Homelessness, 15th Anniversary Edition Herein is energizing vision aplenty, starting wth the fundamental idea that creating homes, not merely housing, is what we must aim for.
“Every Grain of Sand” A meditation on a long death The artist bears witness to a dying voice, a voice losing its resonance, a voice about to be rendered silent. Has that been your voice?
What would Noah Do … and repenting of Heaven In the face of climate emergency we need to ask, "What would Noah do?" And we need to repent of heaven.