Six Feet I watched them digging a grave for me it was more than a metaphor that spacious interior six feet below grade.
Creation Dreams and Ecological Nightmares … again Earth Day 2020 and biblical contrasts. Dreams and nightmares, ecocide and new creation.
WBB On-line Worship: Easter Tuesday, No Cheap Hope How do we embrace the revolution of Easter without domesticating it into platitudes and cheap hope?
WBB Holy Week – Holy Saturday We are in a Holy Saturday moment, and there is no “going back to normal”.
WBB Holy Week – Good Friday God-awful week in a God-damned month of captivity, death toll on the rise, anxiety at an all time high.
Wednesday of Holy Week – The Dispute at the Table Maybe it is a good thing that we are on a Eucharistic fast.
Tuesday of Holy Week – Jesus sets the table This is not the language of victory, this is language of death.
Monday of Holy Week – Jesus Weeps Tears are God’s default. Judgement is never found outside of the embrace of grief in the heart of God.
WBB Holy Week: Palm Sunday Before this week is out, a stone will engage in a radical act of civil disobedience.
Holy Week and Bitter Tears: A Pastoral Letter Hope is going to be a discipline this year. We’re going to have to work a little harder to wrestle hope out of the jaws of despondency and despair.
WBB On-line Worship: Foreboding and Hope Foreboding is anticipatory grief. It is real. It mustn’t be numbed out.