Whoever it was that brought me here, will have to take me home by Brian Walsh Every week during the school year I write an email inviting folks to come to worship with us at Wine Before Breakfast.
September, Prayer and Campus Ministry by Brian Walsh “This was the first time that I have prayed in public in six years.”
The Cross and Advent :: Luke 9.18-27 by Brian Walsh Delivered at Wine Before Breakfast 9 December 2008 Advent is about a coming, and a longing for that coming.
Set the Captives Free? Yes we can (through the cross) by Frederick Harrison I’ve been gnawing on the Luke 7:17-35 passage over the last month.
Lovers in Dangerous (Economic) Times by Andrew & Ericka Stephens-Rennie Precisely two years ago today, we were married at Trinity Anglican Church in Cambridge, Ontario.
Liberated Imaginations: Kicking at the Darkness Until it Bleeds Daylight In May, Brian Walsh was invited to give a lecture at the annual Refresh conference hosted by Wycliffe College.
Will You Take My Cup? by Andrew Stephens-Rennie A reflection on Romans 15:1-13 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered March 13, 2007 Jesus cries out, battered and bruised in the garden of torment, sweat, and blood he prays: Take this cup from me.
To Whom Shall We Live (or Die)? by Rachel Tulloch A Reflection on Romans 14:1-12 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered February 27, 2007 Upon first glance, we might wonder whether Paul doesn’t sound like a modern liberal in this passage with his commands about accepting diversity and not passing judgment.
Letters from the Future by Stuart Basden (via) A reflection on Romans 14.13-23 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered March 6, 2007 A letter found shredded in a garbage dump.
To Hell With Romans 13 by Brian Walsh A reflection on Romans 13:1-7 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered February 6, 2007 Let me put my cards on the table right from the outset.
We’re all in this Together by Rachel Tulloch A reflection on Romans 3:9-31 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered October 10, 2006 It was all over the news when the gunman entered the one-room Amish schoolhouse killing five girls and wounding several more.
Creation’s Groan Is it strange that all along while we’ve been awaiting a saviour, Creation has been waiting for the same thing?