In the Alleys Reflection on Romans 1:16-25 Wine Before Breakfast September 25, 2012 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie I’ve always thought Paul was a little off.
The Power of the Gospel by Brian Walsh [At Wine Before Breakfast we are again meditating on Paul’s letter to the Romans.
Homemaking on the Road: Romans 15 and the Bigger Picture by Brian Walsh It has been about home from the beginning.
No one Ever Said This Was Going to be Easy by Brian Walsh So over at Wine Before Breakfast we’ve been hanging out with Paul and his letter to the Romans again.
Romans, Home and Empire Romans, Home and Empire by Brian Walsh Some months ago I got to thinking about Paul’s letter to the Romans and the problems of homelessness.
Targum :: Romans 1.16-32 (take two) by Brian Walsh Some months ago I posted a targum on Romans 1.1-25 that received a fair bit of attention.
Targum :: Romans 1.1-25 by Brian Walsh In Bob Goudzwaard’s blog on the economic crisis, he raises the issue of idolatry.
Will You Take My Cup? by Andrew Stephens-Rennie A reflection on Romans 15:1-13 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered March 13, 2007 Jesus cries out, battered and bruised in the garden of torment, sweat, and blood he prays: Take this cup from me.
To Hell With “To Hell With Romans 13”? by Andrew Stephens-Rennie There has been a little reaction out in the blogosphere to Brian’s post on Romans 13.
To Whom Shall We Live (or Die)? by Rachel Tulloch A Reflection on Romans 14:1-12 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered February 27, 2007 Upon first glance, we might wonder whether Paul doesn’t sound like a modern liberal in this passage with his commands about accepting diversity and not passing judgment.
Letters from the Future by Stuart Basden (via) A reflection on Romans 14.13-23 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered March 6, 2007 A letter found shredded in a garbage dump.
To Hell With Romans 13 by Brian Walsh A reflection on Romans 13:1-7 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered February 6, 2007 Let me put my cards on the table right from the outset.
Targum :: Romans 12:1-2 by Brian Walsh A reflection on Romans 12:1-2 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered January 16, 2007 Brothers and Sisters: If it is true that in the face of our disobedience we have met a God rich in mercy; if it true that this mercy extends to all of creation, waiting in eager longing for the revelation of the children of God if it is true that we ourselves , in concert with the Holy Spirit await our adoption, the redemption of our very bodies;
We’re all in this Together by Rachel Tulloch A reflection on Romans 3:9-31 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered October 10, 2006 It was all over the news when the gunman entered the one-room Amish schoolhouse killing five girls and wounding several more.