Jesus, Authority and Healing: A Post Election Sermon This morning marks the start of the reign of “Mr. Anyone But Harper,” a new white man who now holds majority power.
Nazareth to Ottawa: Election Eve Reflections Good news to the poor. Release to captives. Recovery of sight to the blind.
Jesus is an Asshole The other day I sat down with a profoundly faithful Christian friend who hates Jesus. Why? He's got this nasty habit of coming across as a complete asshole.
Child of Covenant I can’t even tell you how long I’ve been here, waiting for the fulfillment, for God’s shalom. When all around, the locusts swarm: The Roman hordes, Centurions and Battalions, occupying this land, our hearts and minds.
It’s Jubilee Time! (Sometimes you have to go back to basics. For Jesus that was Isaiah 61 and for us at Empire Remixed and Wine Before Breakfast it might look like Luke 4.16-30.
Betrayal and Resurrection by Sylvia Keesmaat (A Sermon Preached at the Easter Vigil, March 30, 2013, at Christchurch, Coboconk on Genesis 1.1-2.4a; Genesis 3; Exodus 14.10-31, 15.20-21; Ezekiel 36.24-28; Romans 6.3-11; Luke 24.1-12.
Blow the Trumpet! Advent and Jubilee by Jake Aikenhead The Sabbatical Year and the Year of Jubilee are impressive institutions in the socio-economic life of Israel, but they aren’t regular topics of conversation during Advent.
Good News for the Poor? by Rachel Tulloch Watching the recent debate between Canadian party leaders, I was disappointed but not surprised that the issue of poverty was essentially ignored.