Nostalgia at the Riverside Originally Preached at Kimberley Shared Ministry. Photo taken at St. Mary’s Lake by Andrew Stephens-Rennie.
WBB On-line Worship: Foreboding and Hope Foreboding is anticipatory grief. It is real. It mustn’t be numbed out.
WBB online worship: Economic Resistance and Pandemic Capitalism A parable of economic resistance in the face of pandemic capitalism.
Three Sermons: Or, Repent and believe the Gospel When was the last time you actively considered the Adversary and its demons important—though minor—characters in your spiritual landscape?
Nazareth Manifesto – Good News for the Poor? The good news that Jesus was anointed to proclaim was himself, and any good news for today is embodied in you and in me.
The Don Valley Baptist (aka, John of the Don) There was something about this waterside preacher that rang true. I think he was a Baptist.
Life Chooses Life A reflection on Luke 3:15-22 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie. Originally preached at St Brigids Vancouver.
Celtic Soul at the End of a Very Bad Week What we have seen in the last week, and what Isaiah saw in the ruins of Israel is the failure of imagination, the inability to imagine life radically different from the status quo.
Come to the Table :: A Reflection A reflection on Luke 24:13-35 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie for Come to the Table :: An Evening of Story, Stillness, and Song.
Hanging on For Dear Life We find Jesus on the side of the road, I can only imagine stunned, at the sight of the wide-eyed rich man hanging on to the tree for dear life
We Had Hoped :: An Easter Reflection I want to have an answer for the hope that is within me. I want to live in greater hope. But I'm stuck with Cleopas and his companion on the road.
Jesus and the Economics of Empire Economic injustice and violence. An economics of inequity and murder. They will always, always, always go together. The rich get richer … and the poor? … they get deader.
Refugees in their own backyard A refugee in his own backyard. That’s what Joseph was. Bethlehem became a refugee camp. But these were refugees in their own backyard.
Scared Shitless – A Christmas Story You ever been that afraid? You ever been totally shaking in terror? You ever been scared shitless?