Refugees in their own backyard A refugee in his own backyard. That’s what Joseph was. Bethlehem became a refugee camp. But these were refugees in their own backyard.
Jesus, Dylan and the Signs of the Times In the midst of the storm, while the bombs are blowing up all around us, while the thunder rolls over us, caught in the middle of this cataclysm, Dylan has the audacious imagination to hear and see nothing less than the chimes of freedom flashing.
Jesus, Authority and Healing: A Post Election Sermon This morning marks the start of the reign of “Mr. Anyone But Harper,” a new white man who now holds majority power.
Living in the Tragic Gap Living in in the Spirit means holding the tension of the tragic gap, living in the tension of hope and reality, and allowing that tension to break our hearts open, so that the heartbreak of God, becomes our heartbreak as well.
Truth, Elections and the Spirit [A meditation on John 15.26-16.15 for Wine Before Beer, August 25, 2015] In one of his most memorable quotes, philosopher Richard Rorty once said, “Truth is what your contemporaries let you get away with.”
Dry Bones, the Spirit and Resurrection There can be no resurrection without a new creation. There can be no new creation without bodies. And there can be no bodies without soil.
On Staying and not Running: A Pastoral Letter for Holy Week 2015 Dare we not run, but stay? Dare we stay and watch, stay and bear witness? Dare we face this week with open hands and open hearts?
Stubborn When Jesus remixes Isaiah's song of the vineyard, what Bartimeaus sees is stubbornness meet stubbornness.
What do you want me to do for you? (A meditation on Mark 10.32-52 presented at Wine Before Breakfast on February 24, 2015) The Zebedee boys and Bartimaeus.
From Empire to Cross (The Wine Before Breakfast community is journeying to the cross this Lent with Mark as our guide on the way.
Truth be Told vs Truth be Lived What happens when I get interviewed by a kindred spirit, there's a bottle of port on the table, and there seems to be little time constraint? Well, the conversation goes in many directions, and sometimes things get interesting. Check out my conversation with Mark Groleau.
Psalm 98: Joy, Judgment and Advent Psalm 98 is an invitation to a victory party … against the evidence, in the face of the empire.
Psalm 2: Which Son Shall We Kiss? You can't make the ideological rhetoric of Psalm 2 palatable simply by painting it with Jesus. At least, not unless you turn it on its head. Which is exactly what happens.
Prayer Litany: Psalm 2 through the lens of Jesus What happens when you pray Psalm 2 through the lens of Jesus?