Refugees in their own backyard A refugee in his own backyard. That’s what Joseph was. Bethlehem became a refugee camp. But these were refugees in their own backyard.
Why Church (Pt. 2) No church's story is a first person narrative. Even if that's what the talking heads on the conference circuit want to tell us.
Scared Shitless – A Christmas Story You ever been that afraid? You ever been totally shaking in terror? You ever been scared shitless?
Why Church? (Pt. 1) Every time the Why Church question flares up, it's because I'm in a situation with folks I'm convinced have forgotten why we are Church in the first place.
Coffee Shop Prayer Years ago, it became apparent that I could not pray the way I used to. And so I stopped praying. But this has been death. What I needed was not to give up on prayer, but to learn to pray anew.
Faithfulness and Justice: Reformed Faith in the Face of Empire Luther and Calvin listened deeply to God’s voice in scripture to address the pressing questions of their time. To be faithful to them we must do no less.
Jesus, Authority and Healing: A Post Election Sermon This morning marks the start of the reign of “Mr. Anyone But Harper,” a new white man who now holds majority power.
Nazareth to Ottawa: Election Eve Reflections Good news to the poor. Release to captives. Recovery of sight to the blind.
Return to the Table On those panic-stricken days I wonder if Jesus has up and left, all I have to do is return to the table. It's there that I find him in the wafting, yeasty smell of bread. In the glutenous texture and taste of that broken fragment extended to me by a friend.
Living in the Tragic Gap Living in in the Spirit means holding the tension of the tragic gap, living in the tension of hope and reality, and allowing that tension to break our hearts open, so that the heartbreak of God, becomes our heartbreak as well.
Truth, Elections and the Spirit [A meditation on John 15.26-16.15 for Wine Before Beer, August 25, 2015] In one of his most memorable quotes, philosopher Richard Rorty once said, “Truth is what your contemporaries let you get away with.”
How Reconciliation Begins As Jesus invites us into his community of reconciliation, he offers a wide welcome to one and all, calling us to offer the same welcome that we received.
There’s More Healing to Be Done Jesus stops, disrupting the flow of blood from the one whose hemorrhages had not ceased to flow for 12 long years. Twelve years of suffering healed in an instant. And yet, there’s more healing to be done.
Dry Bones, the Spirit and Resurrection There can be no resurrection without a new creation. There can be no new creation without bodies. And there can be no bodies without soil.
Bikes, Jesus and the Legal System It was a week and a half ago that I was (nearly) bike-jacked. And every time I talk about this, someone inevitably asks: "Is that a thing?"