Forsaken by God: Susannah’s Story And then Jesus lifted up his voice. And he prayed my prayer, he prayed the words of the psalm, the words that my people had cried through the centuries, the words that I had cried over and over, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
Love, Knowing and the Washing of Feet It’s all about love to the very end. It’s all about a love that brings us to Holy Week. It’s all about the end of love, the telos of love. It’s all about the Lord of love, kneeling before his disciples on Thursday evening, and enthroned on a cross by Friday afternoon.
Hold Fast to the Head Hold fast to the head, and let your ethics flow from that. Stay immersed in the covenant story and your actions will be shaped by it. Don’t need no baggage, don’t need no ticket, just get on board.
Kingdom Fruitfulness: A New Targum This is the word of truth, in a time of such ubiquitous deceit. This is the word of truth, that speaks power and life in the face of repression and death.
Jesus and the Festival of Hope A reflection on Matthew 17:1-9 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie at Christ Church Cathedral’s St.
Romans 12&13 Remixed: A Post-Inauguration Targum Time is up for the oppressive laws of the state, so obey the law of love. Time is up for the empire, so live in the Kingdom.
Prayer in Troubled Times We said to ourselves, “We believe in Jesus plus white supremacy; Jesus plus comfortability.” We preached this in churches. We obscured Your teachings; there is no longer any prophet, and there is no one among us who knows how long.
What is Love? Rehearing 1 Corinthians 13 Love tends to no balance sheets of good and bad behaviour. Love holds on to what needs to be held; lets go of what needs to released.
A Penthouse or a Stable? They have all come, either summoned or seeking an audience. In and out of Trump Tower, the rich, the powerful, the celebrities, have come to see the one who will be president.
Evangelicalism as the Gates of Hell? What if the church is the Gates of Hell? What if the church in the United States is no longer raiding the gates of hell, but have easily walked in? What if the church in the United States is now so apostate, that the Gates of Hell have indeed prevailed against the church?
Celtic Soul at the End of a Very Bad Week What we have seen in the last week, and what Isaiah saw in the ruins of Israel is the failure of imagination, the inability to imagine life radically different from the status quo.
Dance Us Through the Panic This week, St. Leonard of Montreal leaves us to Isaiah, the prophet of old, to dance us through the panic till we’re gathered safely in.
Come to the Table :: A Reflection A reflection on Luke 24:13-35 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie for Come to the Table :: An Evening of Story, Stillness, and Song.
An Election Prayer: Too Late for America? It is too late to pray for this election. Is it too late to pray for the United States? Is it too late for America?
Hanging on For Dear Life We find Jesus on the side of the road, I can only imagine stunned, at the sight of the wide-eyed rich man hanging on to the tree for dear life