Lovers in this Dangerous Time Originally Preached at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Summerland, BC. You know, I can’t think of a better pairing than a wedding and that song we just heard: Steve Bell’s version of Bruce Cockburn’s Lovers in a Dangerous Time.
Whose Inauguration? Which Kingdom? What would happen if Jesus's inaugural sermon happened on Martin Luther King Day at the Inauguration of Donald Trump?
A Targum On Not Forgetting Who You Are The day after … you know where you are, you know who you are, so clothe yourselves in Christ
A Question of Legacy The question posed by the Diocese of Kootenay's Structures Working Group is ultimately a question of legacy.
The Trouble with the Third Slave A reflection on Matthew 25:14-31 for St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Trail, BC.
WBB online worship: Economic Resistance and Pandemic Capitalism A parable of economic resistance in the face of pandemic capitalism.
Restitution, Welcome and the “Unjust” Manager “Once there was a rich man” was not the beginning of a story of good news.
The Don Valley Baptist (aka, John of the Don) There was something about this waterside preacher that rang true. I think he was a Baptist.
Because Grace An excerpt of a reflection on John 2:1-11 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie, originally preached at St.
Life Chooses Life A reflection on Luke 3:15-22 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie. Originally preached at St Brigids Vancouver.
Resurrecting Religion: A Review Like James before him, Greg Paul wants to resurrect religion, give it a new body, allow it to be what it is called to be, coming to life again, with all of its scars open to view.
Weeping, Confession, Resistance Without weeping we’ll never get to confession, and without confession we’ll never build an effective resistance.
The Kingdom of God is an Invasive Species The kingdom of God is plucky. It will not be rooted out. It will provide sustenance and home for those you’ve ignored, and those you've pushed to the side.
Pentecost and the Blasphemy of “America First” “America First” means creation last. “America First” means God last. “America First” means the Spirit last. "America First" is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Worship, Doubt and Ascension Worship without doubt is the posture of idolatry, the faith of an ideology. True worship not only welcomes doubt, it requires doubt.