Gender, Weeping and Hope What begins in gendered weeping finds its resolution in gender reversals. What begins in uncontrolled wailing gives birth to hope for a radical new way.
Rape, Healing, and the Author of Our Stories Our brains generally try to explain exceptions through a model of deviance, thus the battered or raped woman is soon morphed from a victim to a (willing) deviant participant. If violence is ‘not supposed to happen’ or is ‘not supposed to happen to me,’ then it’s hard to narrate the violence credibly.
Dogged Faith Great is the faith of the woman who dares to talk back; the one who dares to question; the one who dares lean in.
Misogyny, Feminism, Children and the Church When I was in my mid-twenties I applied for an office job at my church. During my interview, the committee asked if I wouldn't be having children soon:
Daddy’s Little Feminist At Bible college, despite having the highest grades, I was made the butt of dumb blonde jokes by my male Bible professor in front of the class.
Plots, Pressures and Penetration: Neo-Conservative Economics and the Injustice of Rape You see, just as victims of rape and domestic abuse must narrate their story into cultural headwinds and forces of opposition appearing natural, so too must the victims of the Chicago Boys' policies.