Spiritual Renewal and Praying with St. John In a world of chaos and confusion, you are the Word. While it feels that we are at an ending, you are the beginning.
A Targum On Not Forgetting Who You Are The day after … you know where you are, you know who you are, so clothe yourselves in Christ
“Make a way” … for sorrow and hope This album will catch your tears even as it catches your breath. It will give voice to your lament, hold you in its beauty, and gently, ever so gently, make a way in and through the sorrow.
Launching Beyond Homelessness, 15th Anniversary Edition Herein is energizing vision aplenty, starting wth the fundamental idea that creating homes, not merely housing, is what we must aim for.
What would Noah Do … and repenting of Heaven In the face of climate emergency we need to ask, "What would Noah do?" And we need to repent of heaven.
Invasions, Judgement and the Prayer of a Seven Year Old No! That's not how we pray tonight! A seven year old prays for mercy, judgement and blessing.
When the Church becomes the Well It's time for the church to become the well, the meeting place, of healing and restoration.
A Question of Legacy: The Great Junk Transfer I’ve been wrestling with this next post for a few weeks now.
A Question of Legacy The question posed by the Diocese of Kootenay's Structures Working Group is ultimately a question of legacy.
Ash Wednesday, Psalm 51, and #ACCToo On Ash Wednesday—a mere week ago, a group of over 200 signatories sent a letter to high ranking officials of the Anglican Church of Canada, including the Primate and Council of General Synod (CoGS).
Homefulness Podcast In the face of a systemic homelessness that has economic, social, public health, cultural, spiritual, and ecological manifestations, how might we develop more holistic and integrated policies and practices for deeper homefulness in our communities?
A Prayer, A Dream, A Sacred Space This has been a place of profound meeting. A moment of knowing and being known. A place of memory making, storytelling, rooted in the deepest and widest story of all. A sacred space.
The Trouble with the Third Slave A reflection on Matthew 25:14-31 for St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Trail, BC.
Cohen, Democracy and Trump Greed and hate will always still-birth democracy. Greed and hate will always sabotage justice, and leave us shipwrecked.
Love’s Percussive Proclamation I saw the Lord spitting on the altar, spray can in hand, scrawling verse after verse of invective poetry at a people, a nation, of ill-begotten gains...