The Trouble with the Third Slave A reflection on Matthew 25:14-31 for St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Trail, BC.
Love’s Percussive Proclamation I saw the Lord spitting on the altar, spray can in hand, scrawling verse after verse of invective poetry at a people, a nation, of ill-begotten gains...
Weeping, Confession, Resistance Without weeping we’ll never get to confession, and without confession we’ll never build an effective resistance.
The Kingdom of God is an Invasive Species The kingdom of God is plucky. It will not be rooted out. It will provide sustenance and home for those you’ve ignored, and those you've pushed to the side.
Dance Us Through the Panic This week, St. Leonard of Montreal leaves us to Isaiah, the prophet of old, to dance us through the panic till we’re gathered safely in.
Hanging on For Dear Life We find Jesus on the side of the road, I can only imagine stunned, at the sight of the wide-eyed rich man hanging on to the tree for dear life
Galatians: A Costly Welcome Saint Paul demands to know: Is Christ's welcome for everyone, or not? Who is welcome to join the movement? And at what cost?"
Living in the Tragic Gap Living in in the Spirit means holding the tension of the tragic gap, living in the tension of hope and reality, and allowing that tension to break our hearts open, so that the heartbreak of God, becomes our heartbreak as well.
How Reconciliation Begins As Jesus invites us into his community of reconciliation, he offers a wide welcome to one and all, calling us to offer the same welcome that we received.
Adnan Syed and the Parable of the Talents A reflection on Matthew 25:14-30 originally preached at St. Brigids Vancouver, an emerging Christian community rooted in the Anglican tradition.
Clash of Empires This is a story about empires colliding – the Roman Empire colliding with the upstart anti-empire that Jesus referred to ironically as “the Kingdom of God.”
Dogged Faith Great is the faith of the woman who dares to talk back; the one who dares to question; the one who dares lean in.
Child of Covenant I can’t even tell you how long I’ve been here, waiting for the fulfillment, for God’s shalom. When all around, the locusts swarm: The Roman hordes, Centurions and Battalions, occupying this land, our hearts and minds.
Joni and Jesus: Poets of Endings On Sunday, November 17, the Wine Before Breakfast community joined our friends at the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, for a service featuring the music of Joni Mitchell.