Jesus and the Festival of Hope A reflection on Matthew 17:1-9 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie at Christ Church Cathedral’s St.
A Penthouse or a Stable? They have all come, either summoned or seeking an audience. In and out of Trump Tower, the rich, the powerful, the celebrities, have come to see the one who will be president.
Advent and the King without Bling Kings with bling love extravagant and vulgar display. Especially at parties for their rich and powerful friends. The servant king likes parties too. But his parties are for everyone. And the meal begins very simply with a loaf of bread and a jug of wine.
Dance Us Through the Panic This week, St. Leonard of Montreal leaves us to Isaiah, the prophet of old, to dance us through the panic till we’re gathered safely in.
Come to the Table :: A Reflection A reflection on Luke 24:13-35 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie for Come to the Table :: An Evening of Story, Stillness, and Song.
Hanging on For Dear Life We find Jesus on the side of the road, I can only imagine stunned, at the sight of the wide-eyed rich man hanging on to the tree for dear life
Galatians: A Costly Welcome Saint Paul demands to know: Is Christ's welcome for everyone, or not? Who is welcome to join the movement? And at what cost?"
We Had Hoped :: An Easter Reflection I want to have an answer for the hope that is within me. I want to live in greater hope. But I'm stuck with Cleopas and his companion on the road.
Good Friday in Six Voices Fear and paranoia spread like cancer and that small act of burial may cost me my reputation, my membership, who knows? maybe my life. It doesn’t matter. It had to be done. I needed to plant that seed in the earth.
Fully Immersed in Holy Week Each year drags me kicking and screaming into Holy Week. It’s a week I wish I could forget, ignore, or otherwise skip.
Pastoral Letter for Holy Week: Prayers, Tears, Funerals and Feasts Sisters and brothers: Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you hoped they would.
Is New Life Possible? Jesus makes new life possible. Not life driven by fear, but abundant life grounded in the assurance that we are beloved children of God. Each and every one of us. Even on those days we're told we're not. And especially on those days we can't believe it's true.
Meeting The Shepherds I imagine him as one of the shepherds. Street smart and world weary, but ready for a fight if need be. I imagine the angels showing themselves to the shepherd and his pals with good news of great joy.
Refugees in their own backyard A refugee in his own backyard. That’s what Joseph was. Bethlehem became a refugee camp. But these were refugees in their own backyard.