At a Loss For Words: Shutting up in Advent Sometimes there is simply nothing to say. Sometimes words are too easy, too cheap. Sometimes we need to shut up during Advent.
Scared Shitless – A Christmas Story You ever been that afraid? You ever been totally shaking in terror? You ever been scared shitless?
Jesus, Dylan and the Signs of the Times In the midst of the storm, while the bombs are blowing up all around us, while the thunder rolls over us, caught in the middle of this cataclysm, Dylan has the audacious imagination to hear and see nothing less than the chimes of freedom flashing.
Faithfulness and Justice: Reformed Faith in the Face of Empire Luther and Calvin listened deeply to God’s voice in scripture to address the pressing questions of their time. To be faithful to them we must do no less.
Nazareth to Ottawa: Election Eve Reflections Good news to the poor. Release to captives. Recovery of sight to the blind.
Truth, Elections and the Spirit [A meditation on John 15.26-16.15 for Wine Before Beer, August 25, 2015] In one of his most memorable quotes, philosopher Richard Rorty once said, “Truth is what your contemporaries let you get away with.”
Dry Bones, the Spirit and Resurrection There can be no resurrection without a new creation. There can be no new creation without bodies. And there can be no bodies without soil.
Repenting of Heaven Reflections on J. Richard Middleton’s A New Heaven and a New Earth (Baker Academic, 2014) Presented at the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association, May 31 in Ottawa “This changes everything.”
The Spirit, ‘Spontaneity’ and Justice I guess I'm just tired of the Holy Spirit being used as a psycho-spiritual drug dealer justifying spiritual narcissism.
The Centurion’s Tale And if he was God’s son, the King of the Jews, then what was he doing on that cross? But it is on the cross that I saw who he was. It is on the cross that this king is enthroned. And that doesn’t make any sense at all. Or does it?
Maundy Thursday: Betrayal and Denial The Last Supper, this revolutionary re-interpretation of the Passover, this Eucharist, has always been framed by betrayal and denial. And it still is.
On Staying and not Running: A Pastoral Letter for Holy Week 2015 Dare we not run, but stay? Dare we stay and watch, stay and bear witness? Dare we face this week with open hands and open hearts?
What do you want me to do for you? (A meditation on Mark 10.32-52 presented at Wine Before Breakfast on February 24, 2015) The Zebedee boys and Bartimaeus.
From Empire to Cross (The Wine Before Breakfast community is journeying to the cross this Lent with Mark as our guide on the way.