Exodus, Empire and Repentance And here’s the thing; the gospel is about exodus, it is about exiting deathly patterns of life and being embraced by Life Abundant. But “curing” gays is not the gospel. Shame is not the gospel. Indeed, Paul says that he is “not ashamed of the gospel” precisely in a context in which it is offered free of charge to those who the empire most deeply dismisses as ‘shameful.’
Anti-Terrorism: Let’s get serious! Let’s talk about two bills that have been before the Parliament of Canada.
The Time Was Ripe: Bruce Springsteen, Hope and Jesus On Sunday, April 21, the Wine Before Breakfast band led a service celebrating the music of Bruce Springsteen at the Church of the Redeemer in Toronto.
Ambivalence and Resurrection by Brian Walsh (A sermon preached at Wine Before Breakfast, April 2, 2013, on John 21.4-19 in the context of U2’s “Beautiful Day”) The ambivalence is there from the beginning.
Betrayal and Resurrection by Sylvia Keesmaat (A Sermon Preached at the Easter Vigil, March 30, 2013, at Christchurch, Coboconk on Genesis 1.1-2.4a; Genesis 3; Exodus 14.10-31, 15.20-21; Ezekiel 36.24-28; Romans 6.3-11; Luke 24.1-12.
The Donkey’s Tale by Joyce Mak Holy Week Sermon for March 26, 2013 preached at Wine Before Breakfast I don’t understand.
A Pastoral Letter for Holy Week, 2013 by Brian Walsh The story was going a certain way. Sure, there were some detours along the way and things didn’t always go totally as expected, but the overall plot remained clear.
On Not Judging by Michael Walker (a sermon on Romans 14 preached at Wine Before Breakfast, March 12, 2013) In Romans 13, we hear Paul exhorting his congregants to “live in the day,” and to “put on the armour of light.”
Romans 13 … again: love in the night, longing for the day by Brian Walsh Returning to Romans 13. Wine Before Breakfast, March 5, 2013 The whole thing is really rather curious.
#4 by James Padilla-DeBorst Join us, comrades in the struggle for the anti-Kingdom the non-State the Party w/out a vanguard the anarchic community of communities.
Throw Them in the Deep End Biblical illiteracy is not countered by keeping it simple, but by inviting people into a full immersion experience in this story.
Jesus Saves by Brian Walsh (a sermon on Romans 10, preached at Wine Before Breakfast, January 29, 2013) That neon light always caught my eye.
Sanctuary, Jason Kenney and Jesus by Brian Walsh I’ve been thinking of writing a mock newspaper article with the title, “Jason Kenney Rejects Jesus.”