St. James and Regenerative Eroticism I have been re-reading Barbara Kingsolver’s wonderful novel Prodigal Summer over the last few weeks.
Desire of the Rich and Doers of the Word :: A Sermon on James 1.1-27 For James, theology preoccupied with getting your doctrine right, devoid of lives of generous discipleship, is bullshit, no matter how orthodox it may be.
An Epistle of Straw? Might it be that James is just too in your face? Might it be that James is just so damn uncompromising that he makes it all too uncomfortable? Might it be that an ‘established church’ that has made its peace with the empire simply cannot countenance such a radical call to discipleship?
Bud Osborn: Priest, Prophet, Poet. Presente Bud Osborn is dead. He was my friend, my mentor, sometimes my confessor. And he kept me in cigarettes. We have lost a priest, a prophet and a poet.
Nigerian School Girls and ‘Rethinking Risk’ We can help. AGF: Rethink Risk That was the ad running on my CBC feed while I was watching the now infamous video of Boko Harem militants claiming responsibility for the kidnapping of some 300 girls from a government school in Nigeria.
Prayers for the St. Brigids Community It’s not often that contributors to this blog write asking for our community’s prayers.
Dan Heap (1925-2014): A Tribute Long before I had ever heard of Dorothy Day, and long before I had heard of someone being a ‘worker priest’ I was inspired by the politics of Dan Heap.
Thomas, Doubt and Practicing Resurrection [An Easter sermon on John 20.19-31 preached at Wine Before Breakfast on April 22, 2014.
The Cross – This Ain’t No Prom A sermon preached on John 19.17-42 at Wine Before Breakfast on April 15, 2014.
Everyone’s Got a Game A sermon on the conclusion of the trial scene before Pilate in John19.1-16 preached at Wine Before Breakfast on April 8, 2014.
Whose Game Is This? A sermon on the beginning of the trial scene before Pilate in John 18.28-40 preached at Wine Before Breakfast on April 1, 2014.
World Vision – It Really Is All About the Children Andrew Stephens-Rennie asked some pretty hard questions of World Vision in his post of April 3.
Pastoral Letter: Holy Week 2014 This is my pastoral letter to the Wine Before Breakfast community calling us to keep Holy Week.
Lazarus, Ani and Jesus On April 6, 2014, the Wine Before Breakfast community teamed up with our friends at the Church of the Redeemer in Toronto for a service that brought the artistry of Ani DiFranco into dialogue with the story of the raising of Lazarus, with Psalm 130 in the background.