Resurrecting Religion: A Review Like James before him, Greg Paul wants to resurrect religion, give it a new body, allow it to be what it is called to be, coming to life again, with all of its scars open to view.
James, ‘the Rich,’ and the Complexity Argument (A meditation at on James 4.13-5.20 presented at Wine Before Beer on August 26, 2014.)
You talkin’ to me? James and the Church Some thirty five years ago I published my first article. It came out in a Berkeley, California based magazine of radical discipleship, appropriately named Radix.
A Community of the Word (A meditation on James 3.1-18 at Wine Before Beer on July 22, 2014) We are a community of the word.
From Grace’s to James (A meditation on James 2.1-26 presented at Wine Before Beer, June, 17, 2014) It takes less than two bars for everyone to know what’s up.
St. James and Regenerative Eroticism I have been re-reading Barbara Kingsolver’s wonderful novel Prodigal Summer over the last few weeks.
Desire of the Rich and Doers of the Word :: A Sermon on James 1.1-27 For James, theology preoccupied with getting your doctrine right, devoid of lives of generous discipleship, is bullshit, no matter how orthodox it may be.
An Epistle of Straw? Might it be that James is just too in your face? Might it be that James is just so damn uncompromising that he makes it all too uncomfortable? Might it be that an ‘established church’ that has made its peace with the empire simply cannot countenance such a radical call to discipleship?