Feb 21, 2014 - Feb 22, 2014

True City 2014: A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Philpott Memorial Church (84 York Boulevard | Hamilton, Ontario)

The culture we live in is a constant mix of life-giving, creative reflections of God’s presence and death-dealing, twisted counterfeits. Our challenge is to learn together to walk the narrow, often hidden path that leads to life, when the broad path with its flashing lights is so much more the focus.

The focus of this year’s conference is to share stories (tales) of how Christians are subversively living against the grain of the idolatrous pull that our culture so often exerts. 

Presenters include our very own Brian Walsh and Sylvia Keesmaat.

Ticket Info

Tickets are $25 in advance through the link below. Registration closes February 16, 2014.

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Event Hosted By Friends of Empire Remixed

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