Empire Remixed and CRC Campus Ministries present Andy Crouch … in conversation
Monday, November 2, 8.00pm
Chaplain’s Office, Wycliffe College
5 Hoskin Avenue Toronto
A number of months ago, we reported here at Empire Remixed, the greatest Christian bookseller in the world thought that maybe Beyond Homelessness by Steve Bouma-Prediger and Brian Walsh was probably the “book of the year” in 2009.
Well, Christianity Today didn’t see things that way and gave the nod to a book called Culture Making by some young upstart named Andy Crouch. We are sure that the fact that Mr. Crouch is a senior editor with that same magazine had nothing to do with their choice. So to show that we aren’t sore about this, we’re hosting an event with the guy to see if he’s all that he’s cracked up to be.
Okay, the tone of that whole paragraph was decidedly tongue in cheek. Here’s what the same Byron Borger said about Culture Making. This book “is spectacularly important and truly wonderful; wonderful for the cogent ideas and the lovely writing, the insight and the charm.” We agree. And that’s why we are hosting a salon-style conversation with Andy on November 2 in Toronto.
The evening will kick off with Andy talking for fifteen minutes or so about his book and the kinds of things that animate him as he reflects on Christian culture making. And then, over some appropriate liquid refreshments, we will have a wide-ranging, open-ended conversation with the lad about whatever we want to talk about.
Brian Walsh will host and facilitate the conversation.