Empire Remixed with CRC Campus Ministries, University of Toronto present an evening with Ched Myers: “Subversive Meals from Greensboro to Community Agriculture: Biblical Foundations and Trajectories”
On Feb 1st, 1960 four African American college students sat down in a Woolworth’s Department store and ordered lunch in the “whites only” section–and a floundering national Civil Rights movement was resurrected.
Today people around the world are abandoning the mass produced food of corporate agribusiness and going to farmers markets, joining food coops and community gardens and growing their own food. Is there a connection between that lunch counter fifty years ago and the local, organic and urban agriculture movement of today?
What does Jesus have to do with any of this?
Ched Myers is a peacemaker, gardener, biblical scholar, activist, singer, educator, and a whole lot of other things. His teachings on radical discipleship, jubilee economics, ministry of reconciliation and food sustainability have been transformative in people’s lives for thirty years.
Suggested donation: $5.00