Poverty, Justice and the Fruit of the Spirit by Brian Walsh This sermon was delivered at the “Sea to Sea” rally at Queenston Heights on Sunday August 24, 2008.
Barack Obama, Meet Jeremiah by Brian Walsh It would seem that this is not the time to rain on the parade of Barack Obama.
Ill at Ease by Andrew Stephens-Rennie Some days it amazes me what people do to make things seem as though Everything is All Right.
Compassion Goes all the Way Down: A Wedding Sermon by Brian Walsh Earlier this summer I preached at a wedding for a couple of my friends.
Liberated Imaginations: Kicking at the Darkness Until it Bleeds Daylight In May, Brian Walsh was invited to give a lecture at the annual Refresh conference hosted by Wycliffe College.
The iPhone Challenge by Dion Oxford Well, it looks as though the long awaited iPhone will finally be making its way to Canada.
Street People for Apple by Andrew Stephens-Rennie I’m a little grumpy today. I’ve had the CBC on for the past couple of hours as I’ve been doing stuff around the house, and I think I’ve had just about enough.
JFP Thank-Yous by Andrew Stephens-Rennie We had a great time with Shane, Chris the Psalters and Jon Brooks on the only Canadian stop of the Jesus for Prime Minister tour, just one day before Canada Day.
Interview with Shane Claiborne & Chris Haw A while ago, sometime during Holy Week, Brian had the opportunity to chat with Shane and Chris about what it might mean to bring the Jesus for President tour to the great white north.
Social Capital: From Sad Stories to Happy Endings? by Ericka Stephens-Rennie One of the reasons social capital is academically disparaged (see my last post) is because it’s so hard to measure.
Suburban Church Parking Lots vs. Peak Oil by Andrew Stephens-Rennie You know, it used to be that being on the outside of town was not such a desirable place to be.
Social Capital :: The Cure-All For Social Ills? by Ericka Stephens-Rennie I’m generally a fan of such academically fluid (and often disparaged) concepts of ‘civil society’ and ‘social capital’.
“Born Again,” A Murderous Shibboleth by Brian Walsh So what’s wrong with being “born again”? In my last blog I suggested that the term “born again” is a ‘shibboleth.’
Church + Walkability + Neighbourhood Life (Part 1) by Andrew Stephens-Rennie In a previous post, I began to track the growing discussion around the impacts of current economic fragility on the future of the church.