Restitution, Welcome and the “Unjust” Manager “Once there was a rich man” was not the beginning of a story of good news.
How Reconciliation Begins As Jesus invites us into his community of reconciliation, he offers a wide welcome to one and all, calling us to offer the same welcome that we received.
James, ‘the Rich,’ and the Complexity Argument (A meditation at on James 4.13-5.20 presented at Wine Before Beer on August 26, 2014.)
From Grace’s to James (A meditation on James 2.1-26 presented at Wine Before Beer, June, 17, 2014) It takes less than two bars for everyone to know what’s up.
Bud Osborn: Priest, Prophet, Poet. Presente Bud Osborn is dead. He was my friend, my mentor, sometimes my confessor. And he kept me in cigarettes. We have lost a priest, a prophet and a poet.
Child of Covenant I can’t even tell you how long I’ve been here, waiting for the fulfillment, for God’s shalom. When all around, the locusts swarm: The Roman hordes, Centurions and Battalions, occupying this land, our hearts and minds.
Poverty, Justice and the Fruit of the Spirit A meditation on Galatians 5.22-25 shared with the Wine Before Breakfast community on August 20, 2013.
It’s Jubilee Time! (Sometimes you have to go back to basics. For Jesus that was Isaiah 61 and for us at Empire Remixed and Wine Before Breakfast it might look like Luke 4.16-30.
Hastings and Main by Andrew Stephens-Rennie We bow down …in praise and discomfort …in confusion and agony and joy All the while …the newsman naps …in his truck outside.
Jacob’s Well Revisited by Ericka and Andrew Stephens-Rennie Each Monday evening this fall, we have been a part of the “Intelligent Love,” learning cohort, exploring issues of prostitution, trafficking and institutionalized violence against women in the city of Vancouver.