Psalm 137, Exile and Rocket Launchers Songs of home, songs of hope, songs that keep a faith alive, are defiled and profaned when they become the trivial entertainment of voyeuristic oppressors.
James, ‘the Rich,’ and the Complexity Argument (A meditation at on James 4.13-5.20 presented at Wine Before Beer on August 26, 2014.)
Dogged Faith Great is the faith of the woman who dares to talk back; the one who dares to question; the one who dares lean in.
You talkin’ to me? James and the Church Some thirty five years ago I published my first article. It came out in a Berkeley, California based magazine of radical discipleship, appropriately named Radix.
Misogyny, Feminism, Children and the Church When I was in my mid-twenties I applied for an office job at my church. During my interview, the committee asked if I wouldn't be having children soon:
A Community of the Word (A meditation on James 3.1-18 at Wine Before Beer on July 22, 2014) We are a community of the word.
Daddy’s Little Feminist At Bible college, despite having the highest grades, I was made the butt of dumb blonde jokes by my male Bible professor in front of the class.
From Grace’s to James (A meditation on James 2.1-26 presented at Wine Before Beer, June, 17, 2014) It takes less than two bars for everyone to know what’s up.
Bud Osborn: Priest, Prophet, Poet. Presente Bud Osborn is dead. He was my friend, my mentor, sometimes my confessor. And he kept me in cigarettes. We have lost a priest, a prophet and a poet.
Prayers for the St. Brigids Community It’s not often that contributors to this blog write asking for our community’s prayers.
Dan Heap (1925-2014): A Tribute Long before I had ever heard of Dorothy Day, and long before I had heard of someone being a ‘worker priest’ I was inspired by the politics of Dan Heap.
Thomas, Doubt and Practicing Resurrection [An Easter sermon on John 20.19-31 preached at Wine Before Breakfast on April 22, 2014.
World Vision – It Really Is All About the Children Andrew Stephens-Rennie asked some pretty hard questions of World Vision in his post of April 3.
World Vision, Pragmatism and the Fallen Powers A week has passed. The dust has settled. Has it? And everything’s back to the way it was.