Sarah Polley’s “Stories we Tell,” St. Paul and Father Abraham by Brian Walsh Sarah Polley’s recently released documentary “Stories We Tell” is a deeply personal exploration into the stories that are at the foundation of a family’s identity and sense of home.
Jacob’s Well Revisited by Ericka and Andrew Stephens-Rennie Each Monday evening this fall, we have been a part of the “Intelligent Love,” learning cohort, exploring issues of prostitution, trafficking and institutionalized violence against women in the city of Vancouver.
Dance me to the End of Love by Brian Walsh On Sunday, October 14, the Wine Before Breakfast community came together with the Church of the Redeemer in Toronto for an evening of wine, bread and prayer with the music and poetry of Leonard Cohen.
Empire, Idolatry and Homosexuality: Romans 1.18-32 revisited by Brian Walsh (a sermon preached at Wine Before Breakfast on October 2, 2012) Let’s be clear about something from the start this morning.
A Dying Church by Andrew Stephens-Rennie The Anglican Church must die, and I’m thinking it’d be better sooner rather than later.
Automakers Apology We haven’t published a lot of linked items over here at ER, but Jim Wallis’ reflections on GM’s apology seemed worth printing here.
Hurt, Love and Empire by Brian Walsh During the buildup to the war in Iraq I wrote an op-ed piece for a campus ministry newsletter that the editor refused to publish.
Jesus for President by Andrew Stephens-Rennie Welcome to all those visiting from Zack Exley’s blog or article over at the Huffington Post.
Creation’s Groan Is it strange that all along while we’ve been awaiting a saviour, Creation has been waiting for the same thing?
Plots, Pressures and Penetration: Neo-Conservative Economics and the Injustice of Rape You see, just as victims of rape and domestic abuse must narrate their story into cultural headwinds and forces of opposition appearing natural, so too must the victims of the Chicago Boys' policies.