Before whiteness, there was breath A reflection on John 20:19-23 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie When he had said this, Jesus breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.
Pentecost and the Blasphemy of “America First” “America First” means creation last. “America First” means God last. “America First” means the Spirit last. "America First" is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Dry Bones, the Spirit and Resurrection There can be no resurrection without a new creation. There can be no new creation without bodies. And there can be no bodies without soil.
The Spirit, ‘Spontaneity’ and Justice I guess I'm just tired of the Holy Spirit being used as a psycho-spiritual drug dealer justifying spiritual narcissism.
Pentecost and Fire A meditation presented at Wine Before Beer, May 21, 2013 What is it about God and fire?