Coming Home to Unacknowledged Grief Just over a year ago, Marcia, Amanda and I presented “A Sort of Homecoming” to Brian Walsh for the first time.
The Lent of Our Lives I joked at the beginning of the pandemic, which was during the season of Lent, that this time was “the Lent of our lives.” A time to lament, to sit with death. We sense that new life will come, but not how or what it will look like. I didn’t know then how true it would be.
Six Feet I watched them digging a grave for me it was more than a metaphor that spacious interior six feet below grade.
WBB On-line Worship: Foreboding and Hope Foreboding is anticipatory grief. It is real. It mustn’t be numbed out.
The Breath of God in the Face of COVID-19 In the face of a pandemic of breath-taking proportions, the breath of God conspires with all of creation for new life.