Liberated Imaginations: Kicking at the Darkness Until it Bleeds Daylight In May, Brian Walsh was invited to give a lecture at the annual Refresh conference hosted by Wycliffe College.
Interview with Shane Claiborne & Chris Haw A while ago, sometime during Holy Week, Brian had the opportunity to chat with Shane and Chris about what it might mean to bring the Jesus for President tour to the great white north.
“Born Again,” A Murderous Shibboleth by Brian Walsh So what’s wrong with being “born again”? In my last blog I suggested that the term “born again” is a ‘shibboleth.’
The “Born Again” Shibboleth by Brian Walsh Some years ago I was teaching a course on postmodernity and a biblical worldview.
There’s No Place Like Home The following is an excerpt from an essay written by Brian Walsh and Steven Bouma-Prediger, originally published in the 2008 edition of Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought.
Gratitude and Empire by Brian Walsh I love thank you notes. And I know that I don’t write enough of them.
Hurt, Love and Empire by Brian Walsh During the buildup to the war in Iraq I wrote an op-ed piece for a campus ministry newsletter that the editor refused to publish.
Remixing the Empire by Brian Walsh A reflection on John 18:28-19:30 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered March 18, 2008 Prophet, Priest … and now King.
Memory and Rebuilding in the Ruins of America by Brian Walsh Five Years in Iraq and Holy Week. These two come together today.
The Testimony of the Stones by Brian Walsh We had heard that voice before. Somewhere we had heard that voice.
To Hell With Romans 13 by Brian Walsh A reflection on Romans 13:1-7 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered February 6, 2007 Let me put my cards on the table right from the outset.
Targum :: Romans 12:1-2 by Brian Walsh A reflection on Romans 12:1-2 Wine Before Breakfast Originally Delivered January 16, 2007 Brothers and Sisters: If it is true that in the face of our disobedience we have met a God rich in mercy; if it true that this mercy extends to all of creation, waiting in eager longing for the revelation of the children of God if it is true that we ourselves , in concert with the Holy Spirit await our adoption, the redemption of our very bodies;
Targum :: Romans 1.1-17 by Brian Walsh Paul, a slave of Jesus the Messiah, called to a ministry of authority in a world that is suspicious of all authority, set apart in a world that attempts to construct a bland consumerist sameness, proclaimer of nothing less then the gospel God, the good news of God’s radical kingdom.
A Christmas Lament by Brian J. Walsh I know, I know, Christmas is all about good feelings, family, magnaminity towards the less fortunate, etc.,